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Shishya Membership (free)

You are invited to apply for the free Shishya Membership, available to Svaroopa® Yogis whose study and relationship with Gurudevi Nirmalananda is one of discipleship. 

The purpose of this membership is to provide Gurudevi's shishyas (disciples) with opportunities to spend time with her in dedicated programs and courses.   All the other shishyas in these exclusive phone and in-person programs share a similar level of dedication and inner understanding, which enables Gurudevi to offer a deeper level of teaching, transmission and support.

Already a Shishya?  Click here to log into your password-protected pages.

What is a Shishya?

The best answer is found in the model that Gurudevi follows — her own Guru’s lifelong devotion to his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda. She models that for us through her fidelity to her Guru’s teachings, the unflagging application of her own self-effort to the practices Baba gave her and her own ever-opening heart.

Gurudevi Nirmalananda says, “My heart and my being were opened by Muktananda’s Grace, but I had to work for it. The hard work ended when I discovered I already had everything within me, but it was the hard work that made me able to recognize that he had already given it to me.” 

Click for Gurudevi's audio, "What Is a Shishya."

Shishya Programs

  • FREE Meditation & Chanting Programs - Gurudevi travels frequently to offer Satsangs and Shishya programs in different cities. 

The Satsang is open to everyone, including Shishyas. Satsang dates are on our main calendar (click on On-The-Road).

The Shishya satsang is reserved for Shishyas only. Shishya Satsangs are on your Shishya calendar (password required).

  • FREE Gurudevi Connection Calls - chanting and meditation with Gurudevi on her holy days and special events
  • Shishya Seva Week - periodic opportunities for a week in residence at the Ashram doing the daily practices and seva (which supports a program during that time period).


Gurudevi is committed to making herself available in the midst of our lives and has created this membership for those who are ready for deeper teachings both in formal programs and informal events.  This means that Shishyas have already received the foundational level of teachings and are ready to go to the next step.  

For this reason, an application is required.  There are 3 pages, and you must complete them all.  It asks for the following info:

  1. Your name & contact info
  2. Do you consider yourself to be a disciple of Gurudevi Nirmalananda?
  3. Svaroopa® Yoga programs/trainings you have already completed, showing your completion of the foundational level of training.  Options are:  Foundations, Teacher Training,  Online Course with Gurudevi, Other.
  4. Do you do seva and do you give dakshina to SVA or elsewhere?

Click here to complete the application form.  It takes 2-3 weeks for it to be processed.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

To access the Shishya Member-only materials,  click here.