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Arise! Awake! Learn!

This is the yearning you feel inside — to arise and to awaken to your own spiritual potential.  

This teaching from 3,000 years ago urges you find a teacher and to learn – to put your heart and energy into your transformation.   

You are a yogi. Instead of sleepwalking through life, you want more. You want more and you want to give more.  

You care. You love to give, to participate, to be there. Then you are uplifted. Arise, Awake! Learn! There is nothing better you can do than to dedicate your actions to your own upliftment.  

While there are many ordinary ways to fill up your tank in life, nothing carries you farther than the extraordinary bliss of knowing your own Self. This is what the Svaroopa® Sciences and our master teacher, Gurudevi Nirmalananda, offer you. 

You are more than you think you are. Supporting the teachings and the teachers who bring them to you is a sacred practice. It’s called dakshina – unconditional financial giving. To donate to the Ashram is a way to support your own upliftment.  

Support Gurudevi, the Swamis and the Ashram organization that brings the teachings to you. When you find your own Divine Light and share it with others, it comes back to you again and again. It’s an ever-expanding process. And it helps Gurudevi reach more seekers who yearn to know. 

The poses, teachings and meditation have given me so much. This is why I continue to financially support Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. I want Gurudevi to continue to bring these teachings into the world.

— Ellen (Lajja) Mitchell, President of Board of Director

Contribution Categories


Support Our Freebies — including audio, video and print content as well as our free programs available to you and to new seekers.




Support the Infrastructure that helps awaken the world to Consciousness. Our administration keeps the lights on and our programs running.




Support Our Teachers who bring the teachings to you, including Gurudevi and all our swamis. 



Your donations over $150 will be recognized with thank you gifts, in three categories: $150-500 (Suncatcher), $501-1,000 (Big Suncatcher) and $1001+ (Wind Spinner), 

Contribution Type

Single Contribution: In the amount that fits your heart and your wallet.

Monthly Contribution: Consider making a monthly contribution, or increasing your current monthly amount. Help us create a consistent and significant form of support, so that we may better serve you. Monthly Donors giving $15.00 per month or more are eligible for discounted tuition rates.

Donation In Honor Of: Give a gift in honor of someone, whether a teacher or someone dear to you. We send a handwritten note to your honoree, thanking them for inspiring your generosity (though the amount remains confidential). To do so, please email us at: donate@svaroopayoga.org.

A Gift from Your IRA - Make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA directly to Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. It can help fulfill your required minimum distribution while lowering your federal and possibly state income tax. Contact your tax professional for more info.

Payment Method

Donate online or by mail using a check, a credit card or bank account debit.

All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations for 501(c)(3) organizations.

Click here to donate, or call us at 610.644.7555, or email at donate@svaroopayoga.org Every gift, of any size and frequency, makes a difference. Thank you.

Svaroopa® Yoga

The Yoga of Generosity

“Giving and sharing are a mark of personal, and yogic, growth.  You grow by caring.  You grow by contributing.” 

- Swami Nirmalananda