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Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Certification

A new yoga student brings with them the tensions from decades (or perhaps from lifetimes).  They may not be able to do things you take for granted.  How do you help them? 

Every pose has a quick trick, an extra prop, an adjustment or variation that will make yoga accessible to them.  Gain tools and techniques that will help your students who need it the most. 

The course helped improve my teaching of YTT poses and it gave me new alignments and adjustments in the poses to share with my students. - Carolyn B.

All the courses are very thorough in their teachings. The teachers are so intelligent and kind. I don't think they miss leave anything out! - Patty K.

Learn to quickly and easily move them into pose variations and give them hands-on adjustments that make an immediate difference in their body. 

Do this in the midst of a class with mixed levels. You can guide your more experienced students into their fullest experience while you support those whose bodies are just getting yogified.  Become certified in Classroom Therapeutics.

Plus the changes you get in your body are amazing.  Learning therapeutics means you practice on your fellow students and they practice on you.  So you get lots of openings, day after day, so much that you can't tighten back to where you were.  This course is profoundly transformative.



Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - programs@svaroopayoga.org or 610.806.2119


Accessible Yoga

You don’t have to know what you are doing because we know what we are doing for you.


YCT Program Info

614 hours
Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Teacher Certification

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YCT Level 1 - Daily Practice & Core Opening

98 hours On-Site & Online
part of PYT & YCT Certifications

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YCT Level 2 - Abs, Backbends & Standing Poses

140 hours On-Site & Online
part of PYT & YCT Certifications

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YCT Level 3 - Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders, Balance & inversions

127 hours On-Site & Online
part of YCT Certification

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Radical Anatomy for Yogis

20 hours On-Site
part of YCT, YTT & PYT Certifications

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Embodyment® Yoga Therapist

65 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Embodyment® Yoga Therapist

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YCT Level 4 - Classical Poses, Vinyasa, Seated Poses & Twists

160 hours
Yoga Classroom Therapeutics Teacher Certification

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