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Certified Vichara Therapist

Dealing with your own mind is hard enough, but supporting students and clients through the process is even more challenging. The mind is very tricky!  India's ancient sages compared it to handling a live cobra. You need some training.

Vichara is our guided self-inquiry process. It clears the “stuff” out of mind and heart so the light of your own being shines through.

Since I got home, I have laughed more in the last few days than it seems I have in years. Maria S.

Working with the mind is such an important part of our practice. - Kristine C.

All the yoga courses leading up to your five-day Vichara Therapist Training empower you to work with your mind directly.  Your insights and breakthroughs are multi-dimensional, making changes in your body as well as your mind and your life.

Your training begins with unraveling the knots in your mind.  Journaling and partner-pairing help you with your own process, so you can be better with helping others in theirs.  Your deep listening skills lay the foundation for people to find their own answers - the only kind that matter!

Trainings in Curriculum

The Yoga of the Mind

Getting beyond what you think you know to discover the deeper knowing, and serving others who want the same.

Foundations of Svaroopa Yoga

43 hours On-Site
CIT Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Intro Teacher

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Leading a Discussion Group

15 hours Online
Certified Yoga Philosophy Discussion Group Leader

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Embodyment® Yoga Therapy

65 hours On-Site & Online
part of CSYT, PYT & MTT

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Shaktipat Retreat

19 hours On-Site or Online
part of Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher

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Vichara Therapist Training

86 hours On-Site & Online
Certified Vichara Therapist

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