I Caught the “Light Contagion”!

By Barbara (Girijananda) Hess, SVA Board Member

Yes, the light of Consciousness is contagious. I caught this “light contagion” the first time I met Gurudevi. 

I did not fully understand it.  But when I received this gift, I wanted to give back. I became a monthly donor and began supporting the semiannual fundraisers. Join me in offering financial support. 

Supporting the teachings and the teachers who bring them to you is a sacred practice. It’s called dakshina — unconditional financial giving. This sacred way to share your own light uplifts you. There is nothing better to do than to dedicate your actions to your own upliftment.  And it helps Gurudevi reach more seekers in search of a Great One. 

What she offers is contagious. It’s an ever-expanding process. After meeting her, I was expanding and wanting more.  Along with practicing dakshina, I started traveling to take courses with her. The effort I was putting toward studying and learning with a Great One sped me along my spiritual deepening.


Gurudevi says, “Like if you sit in the sun, you get warm. If you sit with the Guru, you get lit up on the inside. Why? Because your nature is light. When you spend time with one who lives in the light full time, you start to perceive your own.”  When you come to Lokananda for trainings or retreats, you feel this most strongly.

Have you caught the “light contagion?”  You are a yogi drawn to the Svaroopa® Sciences which offer healing and transformation on many levels.  Arise! Awake! Learn!  And please participate in our fundraiser. You were born to share your transformation with the world, to let your inner bliss overflow into the world.

All that we do, we do for you. We appreciate your support more than you know.

Donate online or shoot us an email: donate@svaroopayoga.org.  Or send us a check: SVA, 116 E. Lancaster Ave, Downingtown PA 19335. Or give us a call and talk to a real person at 610.644.7555.

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